Binks Low Pressure Maple 15 Horizontal Piston Pump - Part Number 104009

Binks Low Pressure Maple 15 Horizontal Piston Pump – Part Number 104009

Manufacturer:           Binks

Type:                          Low Pressure Maple 15 Horizontal Piston Pump

Part Number:            104009-N

Description: The Maple 15 operates at 3:1 ratio, delivering 6 GPM at 60 cycles per minute.

Year:                          2016

New Price:                  Reg. Price: $6,942.46

AIS Price:                  $3,500

Quantity Available:   6 ea

Condition:                  Excellent – Used, removed from paint system with vert low operating hours

Call Nick Thoma @ 920-361-5208 x 2 for questions or email at