O-200: Blasdel Electric Infrared Oven Booster
Design: 1’-6” w x 9’-0” h Opening
- Mfg.: Blasdel Enterprises
- Year: 2005, Good condition, removed and in storage.
- Type: Electric Infrared Booster Oven, Medium Wave
- Design: 1’-6” w x 9’-0” h Opening
- Dimensions: 8’-0” long x 4’-0” wide x 10’-0” high + Legs totaling 16’. Can be modified
- (36 ea) Heaters: 10 Watts per Square Inch, 4’ Long, 18 per Side
- Total Wattage: 207,360
- 950 CFM, ½ HP Exhaust Fan
- Electric Requirements: 250 Amp Service @ 480 v / 3-ph, 400 amp breaker
- Control Panel
- Ships in modular sections & very easy to install
- Price: $25,000
- FOB: Berlin, WI
- Call Nick at 920-361-5208 x 2 or email Nick@americanindustrialsystems.com for questions